Parkinson's is changing my brain. There are a lot of gaps in our knowledge of how Parkinson's works but that observation has been established for some time and is kind of taken as read. To try and keep this blog light-hearted I often focus on positive things that are going on in my life. A new thirst for creativity has become a recurring theme. It is really positive and I have enjoyed following the path it has taken me. Recently, I've been pausing a little to look back along that path to try and make sense of some problems that are affecting me at work and work out why things aren't altogether hunky-dory. My work suffered badly immediately after my diagnosis. I read lots of good advice about strategies for coping with PD and I told myself that I wouldn't let it slow me down but there was a part of me that just waved a white flag and gave up. I think I have mentioned before a weird sense of relief that came with the diagnosis. I s...