Its nearly a year since I started this blog with the grand ambition of making it a shared platform for anyone whose life had been touched by Parkinson's. I was thrilled that several people accepted my invitation to contribute and I'm very grateful to Linda and Tricia who were generous enough to submit their respective stories [ 1 , 2 ] which you can still read today. My host site, Blogger , makes it possible to create a shared blog along those lines but I hadn't realised how complicated that process was. If there is anyone who would still like to contribute, I'd be delighted to help with that but I appreciate why the complexity is off-putting. I was reminded this week of something that Linda wrote on the Facebook group where I met her around the time when all this started. In one thread she said that she believed that Parkinson's had brought out a creative streak in her. My initial response was to question how a degenera...