Over the past few years my taste in music has changed quite a bit. My preference has tended to be for guitar based music but lately I have preferred to listen to electronic, often quite repetitive music. I have occasionally wondered if there was some sort of link between the way that Parkinsons affects the brain and this change of perspective. Of course, people change their mind all the time about music but this switch coincided quite closely with the first of my symptoms to manifest themselves and has been quite radical. Those early symptoms left me with reduced motor skills on my right side. It is interesting (though probably coincidental) that the word motorik which is often used to describe a 4/4 beat used in electronica actually translates to 'motor skill'. I joined the Reddit Parkinsons group recently and they have been very helpful and informative with their replies to my questions so I thought I would chance my arm and ask if anyone had a similar experience. The...